6,2 (2012)
SPIS TREŚCI recenzje | artykułów / items: 11 Ferdek, B., Piekarska, M., Chrystologia sztuką życia Dietricha Bonhoeffera, Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) s. 31-39 (pokaż artykuł‚ / display full-text) CHRISTOLOGY AS AN ART OF LIFE OF DIETRICH BONHOEFFER'S. Summary Bonhoeffer`s resistance to Nazism flies in the face of the initial successes of the Third Reich. Believing that truth consists of more than the facts, he chose to resist evil rather than negotiate a "non-agression pact" with it. For Bonhoeffer truth is not so much "something" as it is "Someone", i.e. Jesus Christ. Living in the truth thus entails following Jesus. Today the debate over truth has taken a new face. A thoroughgoing relativism, which denies the existence of truth and hence of lies, acknowledges one`s self and one`s desires to be the only measure of things. The fruit of relativism is political correctness, which eliminates certain themes from public discourse in the name of tolerance. The dominant ideology gains control of the media and perhaps the parliament, leading to solutions that infringe on the dignity of human beings. Bonhoeffer reminds us that politicians cannot divorce themselves from truth. odsłon: 2317 Izquierdo, C., Verdad y revelación, en la teología católica contemporánea, Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) s. 17-29 (pokaż artykuł‚ / display full-text) TRUTH AND REVELATION IN RECENT CATHOLIC THEOLOGY. Summary Between revelation and truth deep relationships exist. The doctrine of the Church, in the two Vatican Councils, responded to illustrated criticism denying the truth involved in revelation. This study presents seven proposals in Catholic theology in recent decades, involving a reinterpretation, in varying degrees, depending on the case, of the truth of revelation. Finally an answer is offered to those who claim the impossibility that knowledge involves authority or obedience; the impossibility to perceive a divine order (other than the mundane by definition), and the impossibility of expressing a divine reality that completely transcends our experience the world. odsłon: 1071 Kasjaniuk, E., Prazasada jedności według błogosławionego Jana Pawła II, Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) s. 71-89 (pokaż artykuł‚ / display full-text) PROTORULE OF UNITY ACCORDING TO BLESSED JOHN PAUL II. Summary The problems of the protorule (the original rule) of unity and its reflection in various realms of reality is an indispensable hermeneutic key to the further consideration of those truths that constitute a certain conception of christological recapitulation in the teaching of the blessed John Paul II. We mean better understanding of the Word which is "in the beginning" and which is to utter the ultimate fulfilment of everything (cf. Jn 1:1 seq.). It is especially important for grasping the drama of break disunification depriving human existence of any sense due to sin and consequently for revealing' the sense of the recapitulation more fully while in its practical aspect it would mean following its paths. Talking about christological recapitulation one can even overstress the ultimate option, while devaluating the significance of the beginning of the universe. One can perceive Christ only as an Omega, while losing the perspective of His being an Alpha. This way there is a danger of a certain kind of break in handling reality, sometimes even leading to oppositional treatment of the work of creation and redemption. The Pope's vision of the reality of redemption explicitly points to the One Undivided Trinity as the Author and the Protorule of oneness-followed and accomplished in the world created by God, carried out in Christ and finding its ultimate fulfilment and recapitulation in Him. odsłon: 980 Kosche, M., Bogoczłowieczeństwo w myśli prawosławnej, Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) s. 121-127 (pokaż artykuł‚ / display full-text) GODMANHOOD IN THE ORTHODOX THOUGHT. Summary The article is an outline of the idea of Godmanhood in the Orthodox thought. In the first part, the historical aspect of the concept is sketched. Next, the concept of Godmanhood is presented on three levels: Christological, which is fundamental and basic; anthropological, which is the humanistic reinterpretation of the first one; and social, which is typical of the Eastern thought. odsłon: 1377 Kunka, S., Wolność stworzona. Mały szkic antropologiczny nakreślony na podstawie opartych na Dekalogu homiliach Papieża Polaka do rodaków z 1991 roku, Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) s. 53-70 (pokaż artykuł‚ / display full-text) THE CREATED FREEDOM. THE SMALL ANTHROPOLOGICAL SKETCH PREACHED DURING HOMILIES ON THE MEANING OF THE DECALOGUE, THE POLISH POPE SPEAKS TO THE COMPATRIOTS IN THE YEAR 1991. Summary Blessed John Paul II in his homilies reminded his compatriots in 1991 that man is God's creation. He is the only creature that was endowed with free will and is the only that by the own existence is taken up into level of the moral life. Man makes his own choice, set according to his pleasure by ways of the own development. The divine law is given by the Creator to man as the gift, by virtue of the "equality" of partners in the sense that man is already capable of assuming the dialogue with his Creator. The Decalogue isn't the gift from the outside, it is only revelation by God of the one essential dimension of the original gift which man has received from Creator - of the human existence. This article discusses: the question of the image and likeness of God in man, the Father-hood of God to man and original sin, the holiness and inviolability of human life, the morality and right of nature, the question of the work and possession, and the questions of the sexuality and the "heart" of man. odsłon: 942 Moskałyk, J., Na drodze poznania wiary, Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) s. 41-51 (pokaż artykuł‚ / display full-text) TOWARDS KNOWLEDGE FAITH. Summary Human personality is constantly providing an element of his spiritual life and absolute. This element is not the ordinary means and therefore may not be fully discovered, let alone eliminated. Only a gradual learn the intrinsic value of absolute faith in us makes the commitment and concern for the preservation of human identity. Then also there are an increasing longing to know the relationship with God, which is the sole and supreme cause any absolute value. Which the desire to know our personal relationship with the Creator may be followed by deeper personal and communal faith. This is the endless process, accompanied both the element symbol and the true worship. odsłon: 997 Nastałek, J., Język łaciński językiem Kościoła i teologii. 50 lat Konstytucji apostolskiej Veterum sapientia, Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) s. 129-139 (pokaż artykuł‚ / display full-text) LATIN AS A LANGUAGE OF THE CHURCH AND OF THEOLOGY. 50 YEARS OF APOSTOLIC CONSTITUTION VETERUM SAPIENTIA. Summary The "Veterum Sapientia" is a document that was promulgated by a pope John XXIII on 22 February 1962. In this Apostolic Constitution the pope underlined importance of a study and an use of Latin in the Church. The article reminds the most important contents of this Constitution and makes analysis of official documents of the Church on this argument. 50 years after publication papal's document it is necessary to constatate that Church teaching about the role of Latin in theology, in liturgy and in formation of clergy has not changed. Latin is important also for the Church of XXI century as a language that makes possible access to the immense theological and cultural patrimony and as a language of the divine worship. odsłon: 1177 Nawracała, T., Dwa Izraele: ciągłość i nieciągłość jako istotny element historii ludu Bożego, Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) s. 91-103 (pokaż artykuł‚ / display full-text) TWO ISRAELS: CONTINUITY AND DISCONTINUITY AS ESSENTIALS ELEMENTS IN THE HISTORY OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD. Summary One of the main concepts in the contemporary ecclesiology is the idea of the people of God. This biblical term defines and expresses the existence of Israel as people with fixed social forms and referring to the cult. People of Israel are the people of God. In the New Testament this definition is applied to the Church as the people gathered by Christ and given to God. On this basis the name "new Israel" is applied to the Church. The above article presents essential factors forming the concept of the people belonging to God, and then refers to similarities and differences between the Church and Israel as theological community. On this basis it tries to show the continuity in the existence of both peoples that lasts nowadays and is the implementation of redemptive plans of God to some degree. odsłon: 1120 Pyc, M., Apolinaryzm w kontekście sporu o integralność człowieczeństwa Jezusa Chrystusa, Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) s. 5-16 (pokaż artykuł‚ / display full-text) APOLLINARISM IN THE LIGHT OF THE DISPUTE OVER THE INTEGRITY OF JESUS CHRIST' S HUMAN NATURE. Summary The article points to the basic assumptions of Apollinaris', the Bishop of Laodicea's Christology. He undertakes a radical defence of the entity (mia fysis), incarnated in the Son of God viewed in an existential sense as a dynamic and living entity. The specific structure of the Son of God's incarnated Being results in Apollinaris calling Him "a heavenly man". Faced with the metaphysical-soteriological problem relating to the defence of the entity and holiness in Christ, Apollinaris seeks to resolve the issue through negating the integrity of Christ's human nature, depriving it of a rational soul - the autonomous source of one's decisions and actions. In so doing, he completely denies the redemptory value of Christ's work. The First Council of Constantinople was convoked in order to combat the Apollinarian controversy and led to the Nicean-Constantinopolitan symbol of faith (382). Its key part is devoted to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, thus confirming the integrity of His human nature. odsłon: 1887 Smentek, I., Myśl eschatologiczna epoki romantyzmu i jej polski przykład - Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) s. 105-120 (pokaż artykuł‚ / display full-text) THE NINETEETH CENTURY ESCHATOLOGY AND ITS POLISH EXAMPLE - CYPRIAN NORWID. Summary The eminent Polish XIXth century poet and thinker, Cyprian Norwid paid a great attention to include religious values in his works. Personally deep religious and conscious catholic, he wanted to renew the "christian speech" and to gave basis to modern christian art. In what extend was he influenced by the theology of his epoch? What concerns the XIXth eschatology, it was dominated by neoscholastic teaching and historiosophical trends. In Norwid's works are to be found, e.g., deep thoughts upon the death. He presents the death as a weak, passing away phenomenon, which rules only a while. According to the poet, the human death can be understood as the last deal of man. Norwid takes up subjects of human responsibility for the world, for the eschatological renewal of the whole creature. He sees the structure of eternal new creation as reality anchored in personal values. Cyprian Norwid with his theological and eschatological views can be recognized as a precursor of contemporary theology, exprimed by Vatican II. His eschatological reflexions are to be found, for instance, in poems: "Śmierć" ("Death"), "Fulminant", "Garstka piasku" ("The wisp of sand"), "Przeszłość" ("The Past"); novellas: "Cywilizacja" ("Civilisation"), "Ostatnia z bajek" ("The last fairy tail"), "Czarne kwiaty" ("The black flowers"). odsłon: 1398 Szwarczyński, J., Zło - dramat ludzkiej wolności w ujęciu Hansa Ursa von Balthasara, Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) s. 141-161 (pokaż artykuł‚ / display full-text) EVIL - THE DRAMA OF HUMAN FREEDOM AS SEEN BY HANS URS VON BALTHASAR. Summary The existence of evil in the world is one of the fundamental issues for which humans are still looking for an answer. Hans Urs von Balthasar finds it in the possibility of human freedom. What was supposed to be the greatest gift for humans - to be free, relational, created in the image and likeness of the first relation - becomes a curse for them when they try to overcome a difference that exists between them and the Creator. In this way, humans admits absoluteness to their freedom. In order to decide on the good, they eventually fall into a lie that separates them from God. The drama is turned into tragedy. It solution Balthasar finds in soteriology. God allows humans to have their choices even if they are choices of evil, because He takes responsibility for human actions. When in Jesus Christ, entering the scene of theodrama He shows human the right way to play their role. Simultaneously by the power of the union of two freedoms, He overcomes the formed distance, redeeming humans from evil, in which they fell. odsłon: 1141 |